It goes without saying that a key objective in our role as Independent Financial Advisers (IFAs) to our clients is to minimise tax in whatever planning we undertake.
There are many opportunities to reduce personal exposure to Income Tax, Capital Gains Tax (CGT) and Inheritance Tax (IHT) or Corporation Tax for Limited Companies. All can be achieved with the benefit of a combination of foresight and the right professional advice. This may include the input of your accountant, or a recommended one where necessary, with which we can work closely with regards to a number of mutual clients.
Effective planning begins with establishing a desire to reduce a potential liability and taking one or a series of steps. This can often be as simple as ensuring appropriate tax allowances are utilised or ensuring timing is considered and actions are accelerated or delayed as appropriate.
Where investments are being undertaken, whatever they may be, it is crucial to effective tax planning that regardless of what the underlying monies are invested in, careful consideration is given to the most appropriate investment wrapper. Clearly the effectiveness of such should not only be assessed based upon a current tax position but also with thought to that in the future when the investment will likely be realised. Such planning may include investment related trusts.
Our advice is tailored specifically to individual circumstances.